11 February 2017

What the United States needs in a President

Fairness and Justice for all are the bedrock that this country was founded upon.  While initially that only applied to white males, this basic premise, has over the decades, expanded to include non-landowners, black males and finally women.  Currently we hold these truths to be self evident that All People are created equal.

The Courts are supposed to interpret the laws, and the Congress is supposed to reflect the will of the people, but only the President has the mandate and the ability to motivate and rally the nation to work toward it's higher goals and aspirations.  From the founding fathers through Lincoln, Rosevelt, Kennedy, Regan, Obama, Presidents have helped us overcome our biases and enabled us to achieve what has become known as The American Dream.

A President, and their administration are not required by the constitution to do very much, but...

America is not a country as much as an IDEAL that all countries, including the U.S. of A. can strive for.

Needed Constitutional Amendments

Proposed Constitutional Amendments

  1. Congressional Districts Reform - No Gerrymandering
    1. Equal weight for each congressperson (based on state with smallest population)
    2. Minimal surface area for each drawn district. 
  2. Election Reform 
    1. Election day is a national holiday, since all citizens have the right to vote.
    2. Direct election of presidents by popular national vote.  This dissolves the electoral college.
    3. Every citizen receives a voter ID card every 4 years after initially registering to vote, valid in every state/territory for the purpose of all elections at no direct cost.
    4. Every citizen can vote in EVERY election for a federal office regardless of party affiliation.
  3. Senate Filibuster 
    1. As the filibuster has been critical in partisan times to allow for civility and compromise, the use of the filibuster is hereby enforced for all senate activity and cannot be restricted in any way, shape, or form.
  4. Automatic Budgets
    1. If a new budget is not passed, the previous years budget automatically is renewed for another year with an included Cost-of-Living increase.  This happens regardless of any other actions except the passage of a new federal budget into law.
  5. Pardon Reform
    1. The power to pardon has been abused by too many presidents.  It is now vested in a committee made up of retired Supreme Court Justices and ANYONE convicted of a Federal Crime can petition for a full pardon. 
  6. Medical Reform
    1. Basic medical care is a right and no care can be denied based on ability to pay or preexisting condition.
    2. Medical debt is not considered debt under the law and cannot be involuntarily collected
  7. Legislative Reform
    1. During any"lame duck" phase, no legislature, board, council, at any level of government from the U.S. Congress down to municipal boards or councils, can change any of the rules or procedures effecting the incoming members or any other newly elected officials rights and responsibilities.
  8. Justice Reform
    1. No U.S. Citizen is above U.S. Law, and ALL citizens regardless of position, from the President, to members of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government can immediately be tried for all Federal crimes defined as felonies. 
  9.  Election Reform
    1. Any Federally elected or appointed office, not already limited, has a 25-year term limit.
  10.  Definition reform
    1. For the purposes of all federal law, life begins 38-weeks after conception.  The period between the moment of conception and when life is codified to begin, the pregnant person has the full authority for any decision related to that pregnancy.
  11. Justice Reform
    1. Except in the case of Treason, the death penalty is hereby banned in all U.S. states, territories, protectorates or colonies.
  12. Justice Reform
    1. From local police to FBI and CIA agents law-enforcement is a special and hallowed position that comes with great privilege and great responsibility  If any law-enforcement officer at any level is proven to have lied or willfully mislead any investigation/report/testimony in the normal course of their duties, they will forever and in all ways forfeit the right to be a said officer anywhere the U.S. Constitution is the law-of-the land.
  13. Legislative Reform
    1. All Federally and State elected officials must fully disclose ALL family financial interests in the same manner that current Federal Employees must disclose ALL financial interests.
  14. Election Reform
    1. No person may run for elected office if their 75th birthday will occur before election day.